Whisp Overview

Welcome to Tidal, a documentation-focused starter kit for Statamic. Tidal provides a number of unique features to help developers quickly create and manage documentation sites for their projects:

  • Multiple projects: Tidal supports multiple projects within a single site, making them easier to manage.

  • Multiple project versions: Using Tidal, you can host documentation for multiple versions of a single project. Each version's documentation is managed separately, simplifying the documentation writing process.

  • Multiple languages: Tidal's project and version features work independently of Statamic's multi-site feature. Because of this, we can host multiple projects, each with multiple versions, all localized into multiple languages from a single Statamic instance.

Quick Installation Guide

For the best onboarding experience, it is recommended to use Tidal in new site projects. We can create a new Statamic site with Tidal by running the following command:

Note: The following command requires the Statamic CLI Tool to be installed and available on your system.

        statamic new my-site stillat/tidal

Follow along with the prompts to complete the new Statamic site installation.